pygccxml.declarations.scopedef module

Defines scopedef_t class


Returns set of files

Every declaration is declared in some file. This function returns set, that contains all file names of declarations.

Parameters:decl_or_decls (declaration_t or [declaration_t]) – reference to list of declaration’s or single declaration
Return type:set(declaration file names)
find_all_declarations(declarations, decl_type=None, name=None, parent=None, recursive=True, fullname=None)

Returns a list of all declarations that match criteria, defined by developer.

For more information about arguments see match_declaration_t class.

Return type:[ matched declarations ]
find_declaration(declarations, decl_type=None, name=None, parent=None, recursive=True, fullname=None)

Returns single declaration that match criteria, defined by developer. If more the one declaration was found None will be returned.

For more information about arguments see match_declaration_t class.

Return type:matched declaration declaration_t or None
find_first_declaration(declarations, decl_type=None, name=None, parent=None, recursive=True, fullname=None)

Returns first declaration that match criteria, defined by developer.

For more information about arguments see match_declaration_t class.

Return type:matched declaration declaration_t or None

Converts tree representation of declarations to flatten one.

Parameters:decl_or_decls (declaration_t or [ declaration_t ]) – reference to list of declaration’s or single declaration
Return type:[ all internal declarations ]
class matcher

Bases: object

Class-namespace, contains implementation of a few “find” algorithms

static find(decl_matcher, decls, recursive=True)

Returns a list of declarations that match decl_matcher defined criteria or None

  • decl_matcher – Python callable object, that takes one argument - reference to a declaration
  • decls – the search scope, :class:declaration_t object or :class:declaration_t objects list t
  • recursive – boolean, if True, the method will run decl_matcher on the internal declarations too
static find_single(decl_matcher, decls, recursive=True)

Returns a reference to the declaration, that match decl_matcher defined criteria.

if a unique declaration could not be found the method will return None.

  • decl_matcher – Python callable object, that takes one argument - reference to a declaration
  • decls – the search scope, :class:declaration_t object or :class:declaration_t objects list t
  • recursive – boolean, if True, the method will run decl_matcher on the internal declarations too
static get_single(decl_matcher, decls, recursive=True)

Returns a reference to declaration, that match decl_matcher defined criteria.

If a unique declaration could not be found, an appropriate exception will be raised.

  • decl_matcher – Python callable object, that takes one argument - reference to a declaration
  • decls – the search scope, :class:declaration_t object or :class:declaration_t objects list t
  • recursive – boolean, if True, the method will run decl_matcher on the internal declarations too
class scopedef_t(name='')

Bases: pygccxml.declarations.declaration.declaration_t

Base class for namespace_t and class_t classes.

This is the base class for all declaration classes that may have children nodes. The children can be accessed via the scopedef_t.declarations property.

Also this class provides “get/select/find” interface. Using this class you can get instance or instances of internal declaration(s).

You can find declaration(s) using next criteria:

  1. name - declaration name, could be full qualified name
  2. header_dir - directory, to which belongs file, that the
    declaration was declared in. header_dir should be absolute path.
  3. header_file - file that the declaration was declared in.
  4. function - user ( your ) custom criteria. The interesting thing
    is that this function will be joined with other arguments (criteria).
  5. recursive - the search declaration range, if True will be search
    in internal declarations too.

Every “”query”” API, takes name or function as the first argument.


the statement returns reference to member function named “do_something”. If there the function doesn’t exist or more than one function exists, an exception is raised.

If you want to query for many declarations, use other function(s):

do_something = global_namespace.member_functions("do_something")

the statement returns mdecl_wrapper_t instance. That object will save you writing for loops. For more information see the class documentation.


GCCXML attributes, set using __attribute__((gccxml(“…”)))

@type: str


Implementation detail.

Reference to instance of algorithms_cache_t class.

calldef(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to “calldef” declaration, that is matched defined criteria

calldefs(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of calldef_t declarations, that are matched defined criteria

casting_operator(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to casting operator declaration, that is matched defined criteria

casting_operators(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of casting operator declarations, that are matched defined criteria

class_(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to class declaration, that is matched defined criteria

classes(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of class declarations, that are matched defined criteria


Cleans query optimizer state

constructor(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to constructor declaration, that is matched defined criteria

constructors(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of constructor declarations, that are matched defined criteria

decl(name=None, function=None, decl_type=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to declaration, that is matched defined criteria


Declaration full name.


List of children declarations.

decls(name=None, function=None, decl_type=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of declarations, that are matched defined criteria

enumeration(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to enumeration declaration, that is matched defined criteria

enumerations(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of enumeration declarations, that are matched defined criteria


Return list of all types and declarations the declaration depends on


Initializes query optimizer state.

There are 4 internals hash tables:
  1. from type to declarations
  2. from type to declarations for non-recursive queries
  3. from type to name to declarations
  4. from type to name to declarations for non-recursive queries

Almost every query includes declaration type information. Also very common query is to search some declaration(s) by name or full name. Those hash tables allows to search declaration very quick.


Describes whether declaration is compiler generated or not

@type: bool


Location of the declaration within source file

@type: location_t


Unique declaration name generated by the compiler.

For GCCXML, you can get the mangled name for all the declarations. When using CastXML, calling mangled is only allowed on functions and variables. For other declarations it will raise an exception.

Returns:the mangled name
Return type:str
member_function(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to member declaration, that is matched defined criteria

member_functions(name=None, function=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of member function declarations, that are matched defined criteria

member_operator(name=None, function=None, symbol=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to member operator declaration, that is matched defined criteria

member_operators(name=None, function=None, symbol=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of member operator declarations, that are matched defined criteria


Declaration name @type: str

operator(name=None, function=None, symbol=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to operator declaration, that is matched defined criteria

operators(name=None, function=None, symbol=None, return_type=None, arg_types=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of operator declarations, that are matched defined criteria


Reference to parent declaration.

@type: declaration_t


Declaration full name.


Declaration name, without template default arguments.

Right now std containers is the only classes that support this functionality.


Reference to top parent declaration.

@type: declaration_t

typedef(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to typedef declaration, that is matched defined criteria

typedefs(name=None, function=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of typedef declarations, that are matched defined criteria

variable(name=None, function=None, decl_type=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None)

returns reference to variable declaration, that is matched defined criteria

variables(name=None, function=None, decl_type=None, header_dir=None, header_file=None, recursive=None, allow_empty=None)

returns a set of variable declarations, that are matched defined criteria