pygccxml.declarations.call_invocation module

Free function invocation parser

The parser is able to extract function name and list of arguments from a function invocation statement. For example, for the following code

do_something( x1, x2, x3 )

the parser will extract - function name - do_something - argument names - [ x1, x2, x3 ]


Returns list of function arguments

Return type:[str]
find_args(text, start=None)

Finds arguments within function invocation.

Return type:[ arguments ] or :data:NOT_FOUND if arguments could not be found.

Returns True if declaration_string is a function invocation.

Parameters:declaration_string (str) – string that should be checked for pattern.
Return type:bool
join(name_, args_, arg_separator=None)

Returns name( argument_1, argument_2, …, argument_n ).


Returns the name of a function.

Return type:str

Returns (name, [arguments] )


Returns [(name, [arguments])].