Searching for a declaration (using matchers)

This example shows how to search for a specific declaration using different criteria.

Let’s consider the following c++ file (example.hpp):

namespace ns{
    int a = 1;
    int b = 2;
    double c = 3.0;

    int func1(int a) {
        int b = a + 2;
        return b;

    double func2(double a) {
        double b = a + 2.0;
        return b;

     double func3(double a) {
        double b = a + 3.0;
        return b;

The following code will show you how to search for functions and variables

from pygccxml import utils
from pygccxml import declarations
from pygccxml import parser

# Find the location of the xml generator (castxml or gccxml)
generator_path, generator_name = utils.find_xml_generator()

# Configure the xml generator
xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t(

# The c++ file we want to parse
filename = "example.hpp"

# Parse the c++ file
decls = parser.parse([filename], xml_generator_config)

global_namespace = declarations.get_global_namespace(decls)

ns_namespace = global_namespace.namespace("ns")

int_type = declarations.cpptypes.int_t()
double_type = declarations.cpptypes.double_t()

# Search for the function by name
criteria = declarations.calldef_matcher(name="func1")
func1 = declarations.matcher.get_single(criteria, ns_namespace)

# Search for functions which return an int
criteria = declarations.calldef_matcher(return_type="int")
func2 = declarations.matcher.get_single(criteria, ns_namespace)

# Search for functions which return an int, using the cpptypes class
criteria = declarations.calldef_matcher(return_type=int_type)
func3 = declarations.matcher.get_single(criteria, ns_namespace)


# This prints:
# int ns::func1(int a) [free function]
# int ns::func1(int a) [free function]
# int ns::func1(int a) [free function]

# Search for functions which return a double. Two functions will be found
criteria = declarations.calldef_matcher(return_type=double_type)
func4 = declarations.matcher.find(criteria, ns_namespace)


# This prints:
# 2
# double ns::func2(double a) [free function]
# double ns::func3(double a) [free function]

# Finally, look for variables by name and by type
criteria = declarations.variable_matcher(name="a")
var_a1 = declarations.matcher.find(criteria, ns_namespace)

criteria = declarations.variable_matcher(decl_type=int_type)
var_a2 = declarations.matcher.find(criteria, ns_namespace)


# This prints:
# ns::a [variable]
# ns::a [variable]
# ns::b [variable]