pygccxml.declarations.smart_pointer_traits module

class auto_ptr_traits

Bases: object

implements functionality, needed for convenient work with std::auto_ptr pointers

static is_smart_pointer(type_)

returns True, if type represents instantiation of boost::shared_ptr, False otherwise

static value_type(type_)

returns reference to boost::shared_ptr value type

class internal_type_traits

Bases: object

small convenience class, which provides access to internal types

static get_by_name(type_, name)
class smart_pointer_traits

Bases: object

implements functionality, needed for convenient work with smart pointers

static is_smart_pointer(type_)

returns True, if type represents instantiation of boost::shared_ptr or std::shared_ptr, False otherwise

static value_type(type_)

returns reference to boost::shared_ptr or std::shared_ptr value type