pygccxml.declarations.declaration_utils module

declaration_path(decl, with_defaults=None)

Returns a list of parent declarations names.

Parameters:decl (declaration_t) – declaration for which declaration path should be calculated.
list of names, where first item is the top
parent name and last item the inputted declaration name.
Return type:list[(str | basestring)]
full_name(decl, with_defaults=True)

Returns declaration full qualified name.

If decl belongs to anonymous namespace or class, the function will return C++ illegal qualified name.

Parameters:decl (declaration_t) – declaration for which the full qualified name should be calculated.
Returns:full name of the declaration.
Return type:list[(str | basestring)]

Returns a reference to a named parent declaration.

Parameters:decl (declaration_t) – the child declaration
Returns:the declaration or None if not found.
Return type:declaration_t

Returns a list of parent declarations names without template arguments that have default value.

Parameters:decl (declaration_t) – declaration for which the partial declaration path should be calculated.
list of names, where first item is the top
parent name and last item the inputted declaration name.
Return type:list[(str | basestring)]